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Authors write for multiple reasons, one of which is to convey a lesson. Hence, they’re inclined to write about sensitive topics. But how do they go about it respectfully?

A lot is going on in the world. Regardless of where one looks, an issue is almost always brewing and unfolding, with problems seemingly ever-present in every corner of the world. Controversial and sensitive events will always be persistent in a dynamic world. As authors commonly write about what they experience and observe, finding motivation in the mundanity of their lives, these affairs typically find themselves lodged at the center of literature.

Most writers are inclined to write about broader and more sensitive topics. Weaved into their fictional world and romantic scenarios are underlying complex issues their characters must overcome and resolve. After all, educating and conveying crucial knowledge and information always precedes authors’ desires to entertain their readers. And dabbling into these themes is a route they must take to achieve their goals. However, what comes with choosing controversial concepts are the risks of mistakenly sharing the wrong information and offending readers and the subject community.

Fragile may be an inappropriate word to use. But when employing sensitive topics in their books, authors must be considerate and tread the longest path in writing.

When Using Sensitive Topics Is Tricky, How Do Authors Execute It Properly?

Reflecting these themes on paper is an excellent way to empower and help these minorities by discussing their struggles. When written correctly, underrepresented groups benefit the most from these stories as they’re made to educate others about their lives, beckoning them to understand and help.

Words are powerful as they encourage action.

But often, this is where the problem begins.

Although it’s been forever since authors have written about sensitive topics, there’s still work and improvement needed. Regardless of their intentions, authors are often unaware they’ve let mistakes slip through. After all, the messier and more chaotic the waters they tread on, the more likely they will slip up and misstep on their grounds if they’re careless and inattentive.

An example of the contrary can be read in the book by Marvin Blake. Why is a story centered on racism and slavery. Yet, despite exploring some of the topics, Marvin was able to impart a moving story that readers can learn from and be inspired by. It delivers a touching story, encouraging others to empathize with the involved characters and their community.

His book might be premised around these topics, but not once in his story did he put readers into an uncomfortable and unpleasant scenario. He wrote about these respectfully, dancing around delicate themes while providing meaningful lessons and turnarounds in perspective.

Now, the question is how do authors like Marvin Blake achieve this?

Research Is Always Essential

These concepts may be universally known and acknowledged, but it doesn’t mean whatever information people know about them is automatically correct. There may be misleading data that authors could mistakenly apply in their stories, which can cause uproar within their readers.

They need to properly research these topics to avoid spreading misinformation and hurting their muses without noticing the extent of the damage. Writing about delicate topics is a hit or miss. However, missing the primary goal would lead to more debilitating consequences. Authors who walk the extra mile to research and fill in their ignorance are met with more success in writing and publishing their books.

In a highly accessible world, information is abundant; all authors must do is look online. Ample research can minimize mistakes and avoid offensive remarks.

As Ironic as It May Sound, Avoid Sugarcoating

Often, the more authors avoid offending others, the more they become insensitive. In fear of upsetting people, they may dance and tiptoe around the theme, covering it up as much as possible. This may ease authors’ nerves and comfort their desire not to offend others. But this can backfire and cause readers to think they’re insincere in their writing.

Authors merely gloss over sensitive topics, so readers may question their goal and the lessons they wish to impart. It may also convey a feeling of brushing these themes off and giving them insufficient gravity that authors aren’t discussing thoroughly in their books. Fiction may not be factual, but how these topics are dabbled should be honest. Scenarios depicting these concepts should feel and reflect the reality in the world, as horrifying as they may be.

Ground Everything From One Purpose

Regardless of how long and complex a story is, it must always have a single purpose. This can be a lesson or advocacy authors ground themselves in so they won’t get lost throughout the process.

Why is the book written?

What’s the one thing authors wish to impart, and why does it need the delicate theme to advance the story? If they write about a sensitive theme, this shouldn’t feel as though it’s merely thrown in to complicate the story. Instead, it must have a meaning as to why it’s included. This is also why research is crucial, as this can provide more authenticity in connecting the theme to the primary premise.

Although they can help create buzz around the book, authors shouldn’t use these hot topics shallowly. They shouldn’t incorporate it in their book to be on trend and seem considerate and sensitive. If they don’t want their readers to throw their books out quickly, authors must consider a consequential reason why these sensitive topics are used.

Marvin V. Blake is an acclaimed author known for his thought-provoking novels that delve into complex social and historical themes. His works, such as "Why" and "E. Pluribus Unum," have been praised for their insightful exploration of identity, diversity, and the human experience. Blake's writing captivates readers with well-crafted narratives that challenge conventional perspectives and encourage deeper reflection. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to addressing important issues, Marvin V. Blake continues to make a significant impact in the literary world.
Marvin Blake

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